Saturday, October 28, 2006


Who came first, the egg or the chicken? Well, that´s easy, the chicken off course, everybody knows eggs can´t have an orgasm.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Voodoo Yawning

I’ve finally figured out the reason we humans open our mouths lazily when we’re sleepy which in a more technical manner can be called “to yawn”.
We’ll, to some people god all mighty has control of us in various manners., kinda like a huge magician performing voodoo on our lifes. So, when some of us got tired of pranging out all day long chatin´ shit from their bin mouths god puts his foot on his bin with that little pedal therefore making those people’s mouth open just like those litter bins therefore yawning can be considered voodoo! :P

Monday, October 09, 2006


It’s amazing how the TV world comes to contest the laws of physics, from the moment we enter in a TV studio that’s broadcasting live, we’re immediately on the air, and I’m still the one to bother buying plane tickets(clap clap,lame laugh)