Saturday, September 30, 2006

Déjà vu

I checked out the translation for this universal expression and came to the conclusion that it means something”already considered” but to me its nothing more than a re-run of an episode of our pseudo sitcom lifes.

When I encounter an Alzheimer patient having déjà vu´s then I can die happy :D


Anonymous said...

i had déjà vu´ today..
it was very wierd..

but i don't have Alzheimers sorry..


Anonymous said...

i've also read it's just the way the info is captured by the eye! one eye sees it first or faster than the other, then it seems you've already seen it before! don't know if it's true, but i like deja vus!:)

High Power Rocketry said...

Your mint.

Anonymous said...

pah, ninguem diz ixo, meu. (tadinhos dos doentes) :) eu por acaso "paxo a vida" a ter "Déjá vu". é muita estranho...uuhhh

fica bem

P.S Para a proxima prometo k faxo um comment decente...juro


La Feé Verte said...

My entire life IS a tremenduous Déjà vú! x)

Thanks for your visit to my blog^^

i'm terribly sory but you're gonna have to tell me from what song it's the text from your comment:P

epah, é que eu nao tou a ver de quem é?^^"

Anonymous said...

deja vús...estonteantment poderosus...

Anonymous said...

deja vu is a weird experience but at the same time a reassuring can remember :) what a joy you're alzheimer-less!