Saturday, February 24, 2007

Publicity Stunt

Imagine a funeral shop with a massive financial crisis in hand and lack of demand, in extreme situations like this It would be favorable to the shop to be Advertised trough a huge sparkling neon sign saying something like “Die Here!!!” for example, therefore it would get the drivers attentions on the road, causing accidents and more “clients” to the store itself: P


Mariana | Morning said...

E as pessoas podiam ir contra postes na rua de olhar para o letreiro.
mas é estranho, nunca tive um acidente de carro por causa dessas luzes (mas no caso de hoteis)

Anonymous said...

e q tal abrires uma agencia dessas? olha q c um advertising desses ias ganhar bem =P

joaninha said...

mantenho... tu tens cada uma... LOL

Beatriz Araújo said...

na... eu começava a matá.los :D A Pc e pc! mas muitos! muahahah :F i'm evil..(not)!