Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Let Dogs Play Poker Instead

In Portugal there’s a common expression which the Portuguese have been used to these past couple of years when the country is referred which goes by “Portugal, the tail of Europe!”, well in fact its very despising because not only we compare the word tail mainly to dogs and as we know these little animals shake their tails when they’re happy so its kinda ironic to think that Europe, that giant “dog” is happy while Portugal is constantly shaken and not for good reasons. But the thing is, that to me It kinda resembles me the idea of a dog with a desire to scratch himself in the tail and he cant because he cannot reach there by himself, kinda like if he’s infected with germs in the lower area and he has Edward Scissor hands or so :P
Another fact considering the tail subject is that certain animals like dogs have dumb fun chasing they’re own tails like mad, well, in this situation the analogy that I made back there does not apply hence, Europe that “huge furry beast” does not bother to chase such insignificant things. Perhaps such animal like this does not comply with his tail and cannot reach it or he sees it like a mere prop to is tired body and life ahead...oh well...Let Dogs play poker instead.


Anonymous said...

Grizei de tanto rir!


Well I think that this crazy idea is not a crazy idea at all. You'r a genious... I never thought this in that way... and belive that sometimes I see things really freak things in my head, but this one its fantastic.


Good job mr.Thinker!

Catarina M said...

Going around in circles and i find a portuguese writer who does it in english.. why is that? Suponho que há coisas que funcionam melhor numa qualquer lingua estrangeira... :)

Anonymous said...

Tenho de ler os textos muitas vezes para entender, mas vou conseguindo :D Escrever em inglês é só para mandar estilo, não é? XD * * *