Why do people guarantee to each other that they are going to love the other person until he/she dyes? Does that mean that he she’s going to betray her in the afterlife?
Sarcastic Compliments:
“You’re my favorite girlfriend!”
“You may sure are one hell of a slut, but you’re the sweetest slut in the whole world!^^
“I’m never going to betray you because you are they only girlfriend that likes handcuffs”
“You’re definitely on top of the list of my favorite people, right above my enemies”
“From all the people that I felt like strangulating you’re my favorite!^^”
“I’m never going to betray you because you are they only girlfriend that likes handcuffs”... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's awesome!!
that's like gunna be my favourite quote forever now! =P
i love it!!!
Cox <3
Hahaha! So so funny! Backstabbing at its finest! lol!
Just you and your crazy ideas!
I love them...
I Think people when married wouldn't have to say: Till death...
It's cristian... and in heaven people don't come together?
Maybe heaven is a big Hell
There's no such thing as forever. Or until we die. Forever is an awfully long time to endure. Whenever I hear that word, I shiver. There's always an end there somewhere. Even if it's our death. But forever equals with eternity which somehow equals with the ideals of infinite. And it's scientifically proved that there is no notion for infinite. Just void. So there's no possible forever-ness in our lives. Period.
n posso concordar contigo.
tipo..podes garantir a alguém que a vais amar para todo o semrpe...porque isso , se kiseres...é bem possível.
sim, nada dura para sempre.
sim, o amor apaga-se, trás-se e volta, provoca-se e trai-se.... até já se diz por ai que o podes comprar e vender...
essa promessa de amor para sempre...é a promessa de que, por mais que a chama que une duas pessoas se apagar, juntas vão conseguir "reacendê-la" e construir algo novo a parir dos erros e boas memórias de um passado completo, recheado, plural.
nunca te podes arrepender disso..
nem sequer te é saudável teres essa opinião...
não te podes arrepender de aprender....tu próprio o disseste!
a vida continua.
cabe a ti decidir se continuas a alimentar esse amor ou quebras a promessa (se alguma x a fizeste) e andas pá frente.
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