Saturday, November 29, 2008

Crash Test(ed) Dummies

There´s an exposition in Lisbon where there are accidentally originated damaged cars displayed inside road roundabouts exactly in one of the most traffic zones in the city, is this supposed to be amusing? or stimulating people who drive by and see those cars to have an accident in seconds time as well and be themselves a "work of art" to that exhibition?

Today i´ve saw a hospital right near to a funerary agency,does this motivate the doctors there? i mean, its like a goddam human lifetime cycle factory they have going on there, give birth, be sick, dye and package body, over and over


Anonymous said...

devia haver um restaurante com WC no meio das duas. é smpre bom fzer uma pausa com kitkat nas nossas vidas, e depois manda-lo pó esgoto (estando este já decomposto...).


lampâda mervelha said...

Ou no fim da vida sermos transformados em salsichas ou fiambre.

Li said...

A ideia da exposção até está interessante...há que tentar sensibilizar as pessoas para os perigos de certos tipos de condução na estrada...

Vim retribuir a visita...:)
